Simple Leaflet Based Map Viewer for HydroShare Resources

Audrey Lofthouse, BYU CE 534 HydroInformatics Winter 2024

This page, or "app" was created and customized as part of Assignment 10 for the CE 534 class. This map viewer page is displaying a Leaflet map using Open Street Map tiles as a basemap. It also is able to load a WMS layer from a HydroShare Geoserver WMS service if the paramters "resourceid" and "layername" are specified from a valid HydroShare resource.

To test this page, include the following paramters in the URL query string in your browser and set a value for each one: 'user', 'resoruceid', and 'layername'

For example here is a full URL with the query string added:

User Name: xxx

Resource ID: xxx

Layer Name: xxx