Home Up Algorithms Comparitive Integrated PC Boiler Models Integrated Biomass Boiler Models





Home Up Algorithms Comparitive Integrated PC Boiler Models Integrated Biomass Boiler Models


    Comparative modeling involves building a physical model that proposed ideas can be tested on. Before we commit to a new idea, we can first experiment with it on the model, to see how it performs. The results of these experiments can then be compared to predict what will happen if we implement changes on a larger scale.      

    One of the most important projects is the modeling of commercial boilers. Since these boilers are large and very expensive, making changes in the combustion processes that occur in these boilers could potentially have a huge impact. The modeling of commercial boilers allows us to foresee problems on a smaller, more controllable scale before we commit to a new idea. This saves time and money and allows us to prevent harmful problems before they are introduced on the commercial level.

    Two of the main boiler models underway at the CRF are biomass boilers and the PC boiler model. Both of these models have allowed us to experiment with new fuel sources and see the resultant effects they have on the boiler systems. By better understanding the processes involved, we are able to see if the new ideas are in fact feasible and worth implementing on a commercial scale.