Fulton Match

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We Did It!

The million dollar donation match was an unbelievable success!  On Oct. 9, 2014, Ira A. Fulton, namesake for the BYU college of engineering and technology and a generous philanthropist, offered a dollar-for-dollar donation match up to a total of $1,000,000 for donations* made to the new engineering building before Dec. 31, 2014.  Thanks to 6,400 donations, which included gifts from more than 3,000 new donors, we were able to exceed our goal and received $1.6 million in addition to Ira Fulton’s million dollars.

These thousands of donations will make a significant difference in the lives of many generations of engineering students. Your continued support will also be appreciated as we persist in our fundraising efforts for the new engineering building, and strive to build a place to dream.

Thank you to everyone that contributed, and a very special thank you to Ira Fulton!


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A Place to Dream

The new engineering building at BYU is not just a building.  It’s a promise to every child with a dream of doing something to make the world better, that there will be a place to help those dreams come true.



"So many people today just don't want to let go of their assets.  People ask me why I don't want to be a billionaire. Becoming a billionaire means zilch to me because you can't take it with you. Now, to give away a billion dollars—that's important."

Ira Fulton in BYU Magazine




*The one-to-one match applied to all new donations given Oct. 9 through Dec. 31, 2014, up to $1,000,000.  Match does not apply to donations from members of the BYU President's Leadership Council (PLC).